Tuesday, March 11, 2014

[Jeonju] My Trip to Jeonju - part 3

[Day 2 in JeonJu]


Restaurant-Sam Baek Jib(삼백집)
Sam Baek means the number 300.
Its name was derived from the fact that this restaurant used to sell only 300 dishes per day. It is so famous that queuing is very common.
We did not queue luckily but there were many people outside when we were waiting for the food to be served.

This raw egg is served first before the 국밥, the main food.
This is bean sprout soup with rice.
Its Korean name is 국밥(pronounced as Guk-bab, each meaning soup and rice).
In the soup is cooked rice.
It tastes very neat, which I think is perfect for hangover.



We waited again for Hotteok. It takes long because they start to make it on getting orders.
You can see how they make Hotteok while queuing.
We ordered Cream Cheese Hotteok and Soy milk Hotteok.
Cream Cheese Hotteok is awesome.
It was my best food in this trip.

Choco Pie-PN Bakery

Do you know Choco Pie, famous Korean chocolate snack?
This PNB(Poong Nyeon Bakery) is the local bakery in Jeonju, and famous for their own choco pie.
Queuing is not unusual in Jeonju anymore.
You're going to somewhere famous? Don't dare to get it right away.
This is REALLY SWEET. I prefer the original choco pie to this PNB one.
It also sells in a box. You will see many people carrying a box of this in Jeonju.

Snack again!

It's Dawoorang Mandoo restaurant. Mandoo is dumpling.
There are only two tables inside, and most people take out Mandoo.
Many kinds of Mandoos are displayed and you tell clerks what you want.
Then the clerk will take the kidns of Mandoo you want and wrap them.
There was one empty table when we were there, so the Mandoos were heated in the microwave.

It's Grilled Shrimp Mandoo(철판새우만두).
They are awesome. I loved them.

JeonDong Catholic Church(전동성당)

Jeondong Catholic Church is at the entrance of Jeonju Hanok Village.
It's such a beautiful church, and you will see people taking pictures whenever you visit here.

Jeongdong Catholic Church was the final destination of our itinerary.
We went back to intercity bus terminal and went back to Busan.

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