Monday, February 10, 2014

[SeolBing/설빙] Injeolmi Bingsu

SeolBing(설빙) is a cafe franchise. It's Korean dessert cafe. It sells Bingsu(빙수), toast and other beverages from coffee to tea.
I went to a branch in Nampo-dong(남포동). It's been boom since last summer, so there were no seats last summer when I went there, and I was forced to go to another place. Many customers are tourists to Busan. There were still lots of people even though it's winter. 
We ordered Injeolmi Bingsu, toast with yuja(yuzu/citron) Injeolmi toast, and two cups of Americano. (설빙 인절미빙수, 설빙 유자인절미토스트). You can order Americano at 1000 KRW if you order bingsu or toast. (Quite a good deal, huh? :))
Injeolmi is a kind of rice cake(떡). Injeolmi is white chewy rice cake with beige-coloured bean powder. You won't see if its colour is white because it's covered with bean powder. 
Anyways, let me show you the yummy desserts!
It's Injeolmi Bingsu(인절미빙수)
(it's nutty.(고소한 맛))

Injeolmi toast with yuja(yuzu/citron/유자) jam

I love ALL, especially Bingsu!!
I can't wait to go to Seolbing cafe and try others!

1 comment:

  1. Hello could you follow me in my blog if you dont mind? this is my website. www.tom-tins.blogspot.kr
    i will follow you back later. thank you!^^
