Thursday, March 6, 2014

[SeolBing] Cheese Bingsu

I tried Injeolmi Bingsu last time when I went to SeolBing.
I tried cheese bingsu this time.
There's cheese instead of injeolmi(in case of injeolmi bingsu) and instead of red beand(in case of patbingsu, which is basic)
I'm not a big fan of cheese, but this is AWESOME! I LOVE it!! I tried twice haha
It's 8000KRW.
It seems that there are more and more Seolbing branches all around Busan city as well as other cities. I even saw some copycats of Seolbing, but I don't feel like going to thise copycats.
Next time to Seolbing, I'm gonna try coffee bingsu or others. Or the basic Injeolmi one =)

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